First – Aid Train Programme Conducted
Relief Materials Distributed during Disaster like Flood and Cyclone
Organized First Aid Booths during Important function
Awareness Programme – Conducted
Indian Red Cross Society
Our Team

Dr. Tamilisai Soundararajan
Hon'ble Lt. Governor of Puducherry,

Dr. G. Lakshmipathy

Dr. G.Sriramulu
Director of Health & Family Welfare Services

Dr. LSP. Sojasingarayar
Vice Chairman

Prof. Dr. V.Gopal
Vice President

Dr. S. Bascaran
Management Committee Members

S. Ramin
Member, Management Committee

JC. A. Ayanar
Member, Management Committee

Monica Vincee Jessia A
Member, Management Committee

Prof. Dr. J. Senthil Kumar
Member, Management Committee

R. Palaniswamy
Member, Management Committee

Dr. MJF P. Venkataraman

Dr. C. Rasappa

About Us
Indian Red Cross Society (IRCS) is a statutory body constituted under the Act XVof Parliament in the year 1920, functioning under the guidance of International Red Cross Society. The State/ Union Territory branches are functioning in all States and Union Territories are under the Presidentship of either Hon’ble Governor / Lt. Governor of the respective State /U.Ts. The Honorary Secretary of the State/U.T. branches has been nominated by Hon’ble Governor/ Lt. Governor of the State/U.Ts. or elected by the Governing committee of the respective State/U.T Branches. Usuallythe Director of Health & Family Welfare Services of the State/ Union Territory have been nominated as Honorary Secretary of the Branch, since the activities of the Red Cross Society are very much relates to the extension of emergency Medical Service, relief to the victims of the natural disasters, Health services and social assistance to the individuals and communities, blood bank services, and first aid Training etc.
Indian Red Cross Society
What we Do

First Aid Training Programme

Relief Materials Distribution during Disaster like Flood and Cyclone

Organizing First Aid Booths during Important function

Awareness Programme
Indian Red Cross Society
What we Do

First Aid Training Programme

Relief Materials Distribution during Disaster like Flood and Cyclone

Organizing First Aid Booths during Important function

Awareness Programme
Our Operations
Junior Red Cross
The Junior Red Cross is the student’s wing of the Red Cross Society. It is a students’ movement organized within schools. Pupils who are actively involved in Junior Red Cross activities are known as ‘Juniors’. The Teachers guiding the pupils in JRC activities are called “COUNSELLORS”.
The main purpose of organizing the Junior Red Cross is
• Promotion of health & hygiene.
• Service to other.
• World friendliness.
Youth Red Cross
What Is Youth Red Cross
The Youth Red Cross is the most important constituent of its mother organization, Indian Red Cross. It is group movement organized at the initial stages for students between 18 and 25 years of age within the colleges. A qualified lecturer is recognized as the leader and he is called as the Programme Officer.
Main Objective of Youth Red Cross:
• The main purpose of organizing the Youth Red Cross is to inculcate in the Youth of our country.
• An awareness of the care of their own health and that of others.
• The understanding and acceptance of civic responsibilities and acting accordingly with humanitarian concern, to fulfill the same.
• To enable the growth and development of a spirit of service and sense of duty with dedication and devotion in the minds of Youth.
• To foster the better friendly relationship with all without any discrimination.
Principles of Youth Red Cross: [MOTTO]
Youth Red Cross has the following three principles:
• Protection of Health and life – Health.
• Service to the sick and suffering – Service.
• Promotion of National and International friendship to develop the mental and moral capacities of the Youth – Friendship
Emergency Relief
Relief refers to the provision of essential, appropriate and timely humanitarian assistance to those affected by a disaster, based on an initial rapid assessment of needs and designed to contribute effectively and speedily to their early recovery. It consists of the delivery of a specific quantity and quality of goods to a quantified group of beneficiaries, according to selection criteria that identify actual needs and the groups that are least able to provide them for themselves.
The Indian Red Cross Society – Puducherry through their presence in the communities is the front line providers of relief. The International Federation brings all its resources together to ensure relief is provided as rapidly as possible.
Principles of the Red Cross Society
The International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement, in which all societies have equal status and share equal responsibilities and duties in helping with each other, in worldwide.
- Humanity
- Impartiality
- Neutrality
- Independence
- Voluntary Service
- Unity
- Universality
Indian Red Cross Society
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